Plum Fuse

Audio Manager

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Once you have finished configuring your applications and its settings, you may consider uploading prerecorded audio files to it. This can be done through use of the Audio Manager. The Audio Manager is a tool that allows you to upload, store, and listen to audio files for your application.

To access the Audio Manager, first click on the Configure tab.

Once you click on the Configure tab, you should be led to the Audio Manager page by default. You could also click on the Audio tab to be led to that page.

Uploading an Audio File

To upload an audio file, first click on the folder icon for one of your audio phrases.

This will allow you to select an audio file from your system for uploading for your phrase.

Please keep the following in mind: uploaded audio files can only be up to 1 MB in size and will be re-compressed for playback over the telephone. Supported formats include μ-law, PCM, and MP3-encoded .wav files, and most properly encoded .mp3 files. If your file does not upload successfully, try re-encoding it in one of the following formats, making sure that the overall file size stays below 1 MB:

  • 8 kHz 16-bit linear PCM headerless (*.l16)
  • 8 kHz 8-bit µ-law encoded headerless (*.ul)
  • 8 kHz 8-bit a-law encoded headerless (*.al)
  • 8 kHz 16-bit linear PCM WAV (*.wav)
  • 8 kHz 8-bit µ-law WAV (*.wav)
  • 8 kHz 8-bit a-law WAV (*.wav)

Recording an Audio File

If you do not wish to upload a prerecorded audio file, you can record your own voice via phone. To do this, first click on Record… for one of your audio phrases.

You will then be prompted to enter your 10-digit phone number.

Once you click on Call Me, you will be called to record your audio phrase. When you have finished your recording and have been told that your recording was saved, you can then hang up your phone.

Listening to an Audio File

Once you have finished uploading or recording an audio file, you can listen to it by clicking on the Play button.

Note: while the audio file is playing, you have the ability to pause the audio file.

Deleting an Audio File

To delete an audio file, click on Delete for one of your audio phrases.

This will remove the audio file from existence and allow your to upload or record a new audio prompt.

Muting an Audio or TTS Phrase

To mute an audio or TTS (text-to-speech) phrase, click on Mute. This will mute your audio file from being played in your application.

Once the file has been muted, you can choose to unmute the file by clicking on Unmute.

This is the last section.

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tutorial/create_app/audio.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/13 14:39 by victor